Saturday, March 25, 2006

Other people's lives

As our friends know, Tash and I are now using our other blog, which only a few people know about, for most of our personal matters, and I will just put an occasional note in this one.

I spent an hour the other day looking at other blogs at random and quite scary it was. Apart from the people who write illiterate, obscene or just plain boring ones, there seem to be many who use their blog as a sort of vomitorium, and pour out long-accumulated bile, either against the world in general or—as in the case of one woman whose blog I encountered—against her whole immediate family: mother, father, brother, husband, sister-in-law and mother-in-law, all of whom appear to be utterly hateful. I expect it made her feel better, though if none of them read it there doesn't seem much point, and if any of them did it can't have done the family relationships much good.

Still, it made quite a good read, much better than those dreadful self-congratulating blogs which tell you how gorgeous is the spouse, how successful are the children and how absolutely marvellous is the life they lead in their lovely home, with photos! Much-adored happy families are so much less interesting to read about—and less believable—than loathed and miserable ones.


Blogger Ice_Princess said...

I'm glad it was at least entertaining...or at least I hope it was. Once in a while I look at random blogs and some of them can be quite scary! You seem to be quite reasonable. My blog isn't always a vomitorium, but sometimes it is. None of them read the blog and if they had, well at least the truth would have been out there. Hey, I've always wondered something, how did the name Ted become associated with the name Edward? I always think of Ted as a nickname for Theodore. I'll try to do a happy post next time in case you decide to return to the blog.

March 25, 2006 6:36 PM  
Blogger Teddy III said...

Ted, Teddy, Ed, Eddy, Ned, friends call me Cab anyway.
Didn't I say happy blogs are boring?
Have you considered the Lizzie Borden solution to your parent problem?

March 26, 2006 2:30 AM  
Blogger Ice_Princess said...

Yes, yes you did say happy blogs are boring...mine fluctuates depending on mood of course. My plenty of nicknames. Well whatever works, I'm flexible. I haven't considered the Lizzie Borden solution...not yet anyway. We'll see. I enjoyed reading your blog by the way, sounds like you two have a whole lot of fun. Boston is one my favorite cities.

March 26, 2006 11:36 AM  

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